16 October 2011

Feeling Connected

On the other side of these walls is a brilliant day. Dappled sunlight dancing on concrete, playing along the edges of shadows cast by moonflower and morning glory vines, mesmerizing through wavering glass. And today, the luscious feeling of connection. I love the way it sneaks up unaware before immersion. I love the way I don't know if I want to laugh or cry when it hits me. I love the way it makes me recognize a particular moment of being alive.

First, the article from The Guardian. Second, a piece that took ten years to put to bed. Third, exit stage right, grinning into the light.

11 October 2011

Chronologically Speaking

Hierarchy records the value
of existence adding significance
to the search through others vainglory
in the hope of finding, folded within
their welcome, benevolent approval.

Elicit implicit sympathy for flushed embarrassment.

Needs manifest infection which will run
its course until producing fevered responses
to synthetic stimulus

-yours or theirs?

While the really funny thing is
synchronized struggle for value and meaning
only effects chronic stasis
teaching nothing of kindness or love,
but rather reinforcing insecurities
until they twist into personality.

So much easier to simply be

wondrous beauty, this thing called life,
enthusiastically noting abundant differences
which do not reflect,
they burn brighter than the sun
offering warmth and sanctity.

Peace of mind

found within a piece of time
syncopated beating hearts,
living life in joy of breathing
and seeing through eyes free from
imagery induced cataracts.

Arms wide open for all possibilities.

05 October 2011

The Struggle for the Commons as found in The Nation

Day 19 of the protests in NYC.
And a song from some really beautiful people who have seen this coming: We Are The Working Poor
The Occupy movement is spreading out across the country and our national discourse is becoming real. The Struggle for the Commons | The Nation
The question has never been about the size of government, but about the role of government. By the People, For the People. We haven't forgotten. Van Jones is bringing it home. Are you ready to RUMMMMMMMBLLLLLLLE? The man the Republicans thought they could shut down and marginalize...HaHaHaHa HA! And one last offer for late a night ponder Our Buggy Moral Code . Ciao!

Occupy Wall Street roundup: Day 19

Occupy Wall Street roundup: Day 19
And then the latest from just before 10pm. I must retire, but it's going to be a long night for the lovelies in NYC. Things are reaching critical mass: BREAKING:-Arrests-Kettling-Reported-at-OccupyWallStreet-March-That-Hit-15,000-20,000

we see what we want what we will