21 September 2010

Day 2, Getting Acquainted...

Ahhhh, the Social Contract and Organized Society. Ideally, both would encourage empathy and cooperation, ya know, foundational ideas in an infantile democratic republic. But, maybe therein lies the problem, we're still just an 'infantile' republic. Empathy and cooperation are mature behaviors, only able to be drawn on after hard practice at controlling emotions and developing a perspective beyond oneself. Or maybe not. Maybe they are default behaviors that are trained out of us, beaten out of us.

I have grown weary of the calls of the Libertarian Birds. Flighty creatures who's cries of "NoTaxesNoTaxesNoTaxes" injudisciously drop onto conversations of infrastructure and economics. Note: All specimens I have encountered have been males. Odd, no? While I believe them to be capable of advanced speech, I have been unable to engage them in dialogue. My observations have revealed their speech pattern to consist of raucous outbursts, most often at high decibels, followed by a ruffled chest thrust and a long tug on a beer. Although I have come across at least one partial to pills.

Today's most intriguing:

A timely article that resonates with words from a 17thC. geographer. There is nothing new, but we can move forward with grace if we remember the past:
America's Addiction to Belief, Brian Trent

Mr. Paul Krugman pulls no punches with the wealthy unable to recognize themselves:
The Angry Rich, Paul Krugman 

A concrete example of Mr. Krugman's OpEd:
Wealthy Contribute to Defeat Income Tax, Andrew Garber 

And, Totally Creepy and Absolutely Fascinating GeekNews:
Stuxnet malware is weapon out to destroy..., Mark Clayton 

Bonne nuit, mes bebes!

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