20 September 2010

Hmmmm...Here we go!

So, yeah...this is my blog. It is going to be eclectic.

I'm thinking that this will tend toward daily link suggestions, with something of a focused essay (opinion piece) once a week. If I start re-reading Milton, however, all bets are off. 

A brief introduction:
My formal education is in philosophy and literature, (why they are separated I'll never understand), but I have a passion for visual art and music. Recently, I've also become obsessed with 19th C. American history. I am a political creature with a love for the actual land I live on and the future generations of humans that will reside on it when I am long forgotten.
I also have a thing for hockey and baseball, each for entirely different reasons.

The only thing I've wanted to do since I was eight years old was be a professional student and write. I completed course work for my MA, and spent a few years in recovery (I'll tell you about that Later). I guess this blog is my first step on my own.
I'm interested to see where this is going to go, and I hope you, O Best Beloved, will follow with me.

My interest is in The Humanities, but I am thoroughly fascinated with international monetary machinations. I think we are all more than objects to be manipulated for maximum profits, and while I love human creativity, I think maybe the monetary system has gotten a little out of control. I have little patience for discussions on money, but global economics can engross me for hours. Money strikes me as Bad Art, no intrinsic value, no beauty, just something to argue over, but economics provides a stable of characters and exotic locals. Good stories there!

Here are some links to a few things I just read:

A rather good article on class and institutionalized higher ed, good reading suggestions:

Piece in The Utne Reader about it, more good reading suggestions:

Economic news is my porn. It makes me feel like I need a really hot shower to get rid of it...whatever that universal 'it' is, exactly, I can not name. I've become a recent fan of various Times blogs:

Interesting piece, was waiting for this:

Well, that's all for now. Thanks for reading!



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