22 September 2010

Day 3, Blogging thru Pimm's Cups...

Yeah. So, cups. Plural.

Right. It has begun...Hockey Talk.

Random Old Guys. 1st OG bitchin'bout "Hocky in May or...June." Headshake. "Ahe," 2nd OG mutters under his breath, 1st OG on his left. Me, "and, What's wrong with Hocky in June?"

And we're off...

2nd OG is a Flyer's fan, starts talkin' D. Me, "So how'd'ya like Guerin?"
I swear to god, he sat up straighter. "OH...he's just on try-out. He's 40!" Me, "Yeah, BUT, he's a good player. Strong team player for you guys." 2nd OG, " 'YOU Guys,' who's your team?" Me, "Ooooo, uknow...teamoutinwesternpa."

Comin'round the first bend...

2nd OG, "Ohhhwwwwoo. UUUUUUU just like Crossssssbeeeeee." 


Whathefukisit with Flyer's fans and Crosby?

Leaning into 2nd bend...

Me, "NO. BUT...What do you want to say about a young man, Who, AT 22, had been Captain of an NHL team, won the Stanley Cup and a Gold Medal? Seriously. But since you brought it up, I like Staal. Since his first game. He knows where to be, and he's learned how to play really hard. #11."

Final stretch...

2nd OG, "He plays for Caroline, right?


Me, "No. That's his brother. Another plays for New York, and I have been told that the youngest is soon to break into the majors...and he's better than any of them."

Carolina? Sheesh.

The conversation ended on common ground.
We both hate Jaromir Jagr.

Anyway, now for something completely different:

Falling in love with the New York Times, all over again! Their website is really pretty cool, On This Day, The Emancipation Proclamation 

Former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, What I didn't find in Africa 

YES! How to teach, about Peace, Every Teacher a Peace Teacher 

And just a reminder, as we dive into Election season, (I wonder if they'll market that like other pagan holidays?), THIS is not fiction, Machu Pichu train Halted over Watre Protest, Rory Carroll 

Sweet dreams. 

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